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How to Get More Heat to Second Floor [5 Reasons & Solutions]

How To Get More Heat To Second Floor

Last Updated on December 10, 2022

If you have a house with two levels, you have probably noticed that the upstairs doesn’t always seem as warm as the downstairs. There are a few reasons for this, but the most likely one is that heat rises. That means that the warm air from the furnace is going to rise to the top of your home, where it will eventually dissipate.

Whatever solution you choose, if you are not sure how to get more heat to second floor of your home, consult with a professional before changing your heating system. They can assess your situation and help you determine the best way.

How to Get More Heat to Second Floor : Reasons & Solutions

Reasons and Solutions on How To Get More Heat To Second Floor

Identify the main reasons your upstairs is not as warm as your downstairs. The physics of heat: How does heat travel, and why does it rise? Heat is always looking for equilibrium. The heat travels from the stove to the cold air in a cold room until the temperature balances out.

Similarly, hot air to the cool air downstairs in a hot upstairs room. Therefore, you often feel a blast of cold air when you open the oven door & all the hot air rushes out.

The same principle applies when you pour hot water into a cold sink: heat transfers from the hot water to the cold sink. By following these tips, you can help increase the amount of heat on your second floor and make your home more comfortable during the winter months.

Reason 01: Heat Loss

Most houses are designed so that most of the living space is on the ground floor, with bedrooms and other seldom-used rooms on the upper levels. In a two-story home, the first floor is typically warmer than the second. This is due to heat loss, which occurs when heat escapes from the floor and rises to the ceiling.

It is possible that can be done to improve this situation. One solution could be installing thermal insulation on the floor and walls. On each floor of the house, an electronic thermostat may be installed. This allows each level of the house to be heated to a comfortable temperature.

Another is to invest in some heavy-duty weather-stripping for doors and windows, which will help prevent heat loss. Finally, placing insulating panels on the ceilings of higher floors will help to reflect heat downward, making the entire house more comfortable. These will provide direct heat to the area, making it warmer and more satisfying.

Reason 02: Vents and Doors

Sleeping in a cold room is unpleasant. Unfortunately, many homes have a problem with varying temperatures, with the upper floor being cold or hot. There are several causes for this, but the good news is that there are also several potential solutions.

One way to improve the situation is to make sure that vents and doors are not blocked. Ensure that your vents are closed, then the warm air from your furnace will be trapped on the 1st floor.

Another solution is to keep your doors closed. This allows hot air to circulate throughout your home and can help even out the temperature. Weather stripping or a draft snake can seal gaps around the door, preventing cold air from seeping in.

Reason 03: Seal Ducts

One way to heat your home more efficiently is to seal any leaky ductwork. This will prevent cold air from leaking into your home. Over time, the seals around your ducts can degrade, allowing cold air to escape. Therefore, you can ensure that the hot air produced by your furnace or boiler stays upstairs, where it can more effectively warm the space.

Reason 04: Insulate your attic

Without insulation in the attic, you are essentially creating a large heat sink. Uninsulated attics are almost as bad as having no roof over your head because heat rises. Sure, your roof keeps the rain and snow from getting into your home.

However, it cannot prevent the cold from coming in. Putting insulation in an attic is a lot simpler than it sounds. Insulating an attic involves installing either glass fiber insulation or styrofoam insulation.

The process is not expensive at all. On the Internet, you can find insulation kits and all the tools you need to insulate your attic. If you are interested in insulating your attic, we recommend making this a weekend project.

Reason 05: Single Pane Windows?

Single-pane windows, which are common in old houses and cabins, are notoriously inefficient. Because of the thinness of the glass and the fact that only one layer is present, they aren’t very effective at retaining heat.

In case you do not have double-paned windows, get them immediately. They are not only thicker and more durable, but they also provide an additional layer of insulation thanks to the thin layer of air between the glass panes.

Additional Tips to heat up and Sustain Heat on your Second Floor

Additional Tips to heat up and Sustain Heat on your Second Floor

Some people assume that the primary reason for losing heat is that the upstairs is less insulated than the downstairs, but that’s not always the case. Regardless of the reason, there are several ways to counter the heating problems in your upstairs units. Read on to learn about them.

Use a Heat Powered Stove Fan

You can distribute heat with a thermal-powered stove fan by placing it on top of your stove. The difference between this and regular fans is that you don’t have to power them directly. It’s powered by heat rising from a special metal device. Using a stove fan can help keep your home warm during the winter. It is especially beneficial for small homes. The stove fans might not be powerful enough if you live in a big house.

Carpeting Inside Your Room 

Physics dictates that cold air will accumulate on the floor. Therefore, your feet will always be cold. Due to this, you cannot blast heat into the room until your floor gets hot too, since you want to save money on heating. Adding a carpet will solve this problem. It will make your room feel much cozier and warmer without raising the temperature.

The carpet will insulate your floor and keep your feet warm rather than having your feet on a cold, bare floor. You also limit how much air cools down on the floor by having a carpet in the room. Thus, your room stays warmer for longer. Carpets are easy to install and provide insulation.

Put in a Roof-mounted Hot Water Tank

By placing the tank on the roof, you can ensure that the second floor gets more heat as gravity will help the hot water circulate the hot water throughout the entire building, providing extra heat to the 2nd floor. The tank can be located closer to where the heat is needed, making it more efficient. Additionally, a roof-mounted tank is less likely to experience issues with freezing in cold weather.

This is because the heat from the sun helps to keep the tank warm, even when temperatures outside are low. In this case, a roof-mounted hot water tank can be a great option for homes with multiple stories.

Add Black Curtains To Your Windows

In order to take advantage of the warm air from the first floor, people often hang black curtains on their second-story windows. The black color absorbs more heat than light colors, and this helps to raise the temperature and warm the room upstairs.

Additionally, the curtains help reduce heat loss to keep heat from escaping through the windows, further trapping heat the upstairs. As a result, adding black curtains on second-story windows is an effective way to increase the overall temperature in your home.

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions )

1. How do I Increase the Warm Air Quality on my Second Floor?

If you find that your second floor does not hold warm air, there are a few things you can do to improve the warm air conditioning. One is to keep the air conditioner running in fan mode. Be careful in selecting the temperature mode. If you have an attic, you might add insulation.

Another option is to install a heat lamp in the room. This will assist in increasing the temperature of the air in the room. Finally, you can try using a space heater. This will provide a direct source of heat that can help to warm up the cold.

2. How Can a Two-story House be Heated Evenly?

For a two-story house, the general rule of thumb is to set each thermostat two degrees Fahrenheit apart from each other. In summer, when the air conditioner is running, set the upstairs in fan mode. If the floor above is in fan mode, set each floor beneath it to the lower floor temperature by 2 degrees.

3. How to Get Heat Upstairs in an Old House?

Older houses tend to be less energy-efficient than newer ones, which can impact how well they store heat. They often have less insulation than newer ones.  One way to address this problem is to install weatherstripping around doors and windows. This will help to seal off any gaps where cold air can enter the home. It is also a good idea to install energy-efficient windows.

4. Will closing upstairs vents help warm?

By closing the vents upstairs, you can redirect the flow of warm air to the areas of your house that need it most. Also, close doors to help isolate rooms and prevent heat from escaping. This will help to trap the heat in those rooms and make them more comfortable.


We can see that there are various ways to improve the 2nd floor of a house warmer. Some common solutions include installing insulated window coverings and doors, using space heaters, or investing in a zoning system for the house’s HVAC system. 

Others include using heat distribution appliances. The placement of carpet inside the room and adding dark curtains to the windows can also help trap heat. Ultimately, the best solution may vary depending on the individual home. These measurements can improve indoor air quality and make your second floor more comfortable.

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How to Get More Heat to Second Floor [5 Reasons & Solutions]

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