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How to Reverse Shower Door : Just Follow 7 Steps [DIY]

How to Reverse Shower Door

Last Updated on November 12, 2022

You’re probably familiar with the frustration of shower doors that swing inwards and get in the way every time you try to step into the shower. It can be incredibly irritating when your shower door gets stuck whenever you want to take a shower. 

Not to mention, it can be dangerous if you have to reach out and open the door while the water is on. So, it’s understandable that you might want to know how to reverse shower door. 

Fortunately, reversing your shower door is relatively easy and only requires a few tools. All you need is a little bit of elbow grease and this easy-to-follow guide. With a few simple steps, you’ll be able switch it so that it swings outwards instead of inwards.

How to Reverse Shower Door: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to Reverse Shower Door A Step-By-Step Guide

Whether you’re trying to save water or want a longer, more relaxing shower, knowing how to reverse your shower door can be a game-changer. Reversing your own shower door is a simple process that only takes a few minutes, and it can make a world of difference in your showering experience. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1:  Know The Tools and Materials You’ll need

For reversing a shower door, you’ll need the right tools and materials. First, you’ll need a drill or screwdriver to switch out the screws in place. Next, you’ll need a putty knife to remove any old caulk or sealant around the door. Finally, you’ll need a hairdryer to soften the fresh caulk bead.

You’ll also need some supplies, such as vinegar, water, and a microfiber cloth. If you have a buildup of hard water, you may also need a limescale remover. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any harsh chemicals.

Step 2: Remove the Door from the Hinges

Remove the screws that hold the door to the hinges. For frameless doors, there will be three screws on each side. For framed doors, there will be two screws on either side. Unscrew these with a drill or screwdriver, and then carefully remove the door. If the door is heavy, it may be helpful to have another person assist you.

Step 3: Remove Any Hardware

This will include things like handles, towel bars, and shelves. In most cases, these will be screwed into place. So, use a screwdriver to remove them. If there are any adhesive residues left behind, you can use a putty knife to scrape them away.

Once all the hardware is terminated, you should be able to pull the door off its hinges easily. It’s a good idea to lay the door flat on a towel or blanket to prevent it from getting scratched.

Step 4: Clean the Surface

Clean the surface with a vinegar and water solution. Use a soft cloth to wipe down the door, and then rinse with clean water. If you have stubborn stains, utilize a scrub brush or Magic Eraser to remove them. For hard-water build-up, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle and mist the door. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a microfiber cloth.

Step 5:  Attach the Door to the Opposite Side

You will need first to detach it from its current position. To do this, get a screwdriver and take out the screws holding the door in place. Next, apply a putty knife and scrape away any existing caulk or sealant. Once the area is clean, apply a new bead of caulk around the edge of the door.

Then, screw the door back on using the screws you previously removed. Finally, it uses a hairdryer to heat the new caulk bead until it is soft and pliable. Run your finger along the door edge to create a smooth, sealed surface.

Step 6:  Reattach Any Hardware

Most hardware is easy to reattach once you have the new shower door in place. Start by reversing the brackets that hold the shower door in position. Then, use the screws that come with the new door to secure the door to the brackets.

If your old door had a handle, you might need to purchase a new one to match the new door. Once the door is secure, you can reattach any other hardware, such as towel bars or soap dishes. In some cases, you may need to drill new holes to attach the hardware.

Step 7: Test the Door

Before you test the door, ensure the strike plate is properly positioned. The strike plate should be flush with door edge. If it is not, use a file to enlarge the hole in the strike plate so that it fits snugly against the door.

Next, open the door and put your hand on the doorknob. Apply pressure to the door with your hand to ensure that it is properly secured. Finally, close the door and make sure that it latches correctly. If it does not, adjust the strike plate until it does.

By following these simple steps, you can easily reverse your shower door. This will give you more control over your showering experience and can help you save water. It is a quick and easy process that anyone can do. So, don’t be afraid to try it yourself.

Common Mistakes When Reversing a Shower Door

Common Mistakes When Reversing a Shower Door

It can be tricky to reverse shower doors sometimes, and many people make mistakes when trying to do so. The following are some of the most common mistakes people make:

1. Not Checking for Obstructions:

The door needs to be able to slide open smoothly for it to function properly. If there are any obstacles in the way, the door might become stuck or even break. It is important to clear out anything that might be blocking the door’s path, such as shampoo bottles, soap dishes, or towels.

2. Not Lubricating the Tracks:

Another common mistake people make is forgetting to lubricate the tracks. The tracks need to be lubricated for the door to slide open and close smoothly. If the tracks are not lubricated, the door may become stuck or snap. Make sure to use a silicone-based lubricant on the tracks, which can be found at most hardware stores.

3. Not Cleaning the Glass:

The glass needs to be clean for the door to function properly. If the glass is dirty, it might make the door stick and break. Ensure that you clean the glass with mild soap and water before reversing the door.

4. Not Adjusting the Hinges:

If the hinges are not adjusted properly, the door may get stuck or will fall apart. It is essential to make sure that the hinges are adjusted so that the door opens and closes smoothly. Most hardware stores sell hinge adjustment kits that can be used to adjust the hinges.

5. Not Following the Instructions:

It is common for people not to follow the instructions to reverse a shower door. The instructions must be followed carefully to avoid damaging the door or injuring yourself. Take the time to read through the instructions carefully before starting the project.

Final Thoughts

Reversing the shower door is an easy task that anyone can do with a few tools and a little know-how. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily change the direction of your shower door, giving you easier access to your bathroom.

Whether you’re looking to save space or simply want a more convenient way to enter your shower, reversing the door is a great solution. With just a few minutes of effort, you can make a big difference in your bathroom’s layout. Give it a try today.

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How to Reverse Shower Door : Just Follow 7 Steps [DIY]

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