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How to Keep a Sliding Glass Shower Door Closed : 7 Methods

How to Keep a Sliding Glass Shower Door Closed

Last Updated on November 12, 2022

A closed sliding glass shower door prevents water from flooding the bathroom floor and keeps the steam from escaping. If water leaks out of the shower, it can discolor the surface and create dangerous slip hazards. It can also lead to mold growth.

Tapping the steam in the closed shower creates a warm and humid environment that is ideal for cleansing the skin. The warm water also opens up pores and loosens dirt, making it easier to wash away.

You may look for a solution on how to keep a sliding glass shower door closed to improve the overall showering experience. We will share some tips and tricks for shutting the glass door while showering.

How to Keep a Sliding Glass Shower Door Closed : DIY Methods

frameless door

Sliding glass doors are very convenient for showers, but it is important to ensure that they are properly secured so that they do not open while you are showering. Here are a few different ways that you can keep your sliding shower door closed:

Method 1. Tightening the Screws:

Tightening the screws is a permanent solution that will keep your glass shower door closed. It will also help to prevent the door from rattling when it is closed. This is a quick and easy fix that does not require any special tools or expertise. Once the screws are tightened, the door will be held securely in place and should not slide open again. 


1. Make a solution of equal parts vinegar and water in a bowl. Apply the solution to the tracks using a sponge, microfiber cloth, or stiff brush and scrub gently to remove the grime.

2. Rinse the tracks with clean water to remove the vinegar smell. Dry the tracks entirely with a microfiber cloth. You can also use toothpicks or tweezers to remove any debris that is stuck in the tracks.

3. Reposition the rollers in the tracks. Make sure that the door is level and aligned with the frame. If the tracks are not level, they can cause the door to come off track. Use a level to check the tracks and make sure they are level.

4. Inspect the screws on the door handle, latches, and hinges to ensure they are tightened. Use a screwdriver or power drill to tighten any loose screws.

5. Replace any missing or damaged rollers. It is also a good idea to lubricate the rollers with WD-40 or a similar product to keep them from sticking.

Method 2. Adding Weatherstripping:

Weatherstripping helps to create a tight seal between the door and the frame, preventing drafts and leaks. It can provide insulation for the door, keeping the heat in and cold out. Installing weatherstripping around a sliding shower door is an easy way to keep the door closed.


1. Clean the glass door and frame with vinegar and water solution. This will remove any dirt or soap scum that could prevent the door from closing properly.

2. Inspect the door and frame for any cracks or gaps. If you find any, use caulk to fill them in. Be sure to smooth out the caulk so that it is level with the surface.

3. You’ll have to measure the door so that you can cut the weatherstripping to size. Be sure to allow for an extra inch or two to make any necessary adjustments.

4. Peel off the backing paper and attach the weatherstripping to the top and bottom of the door. Install a sealant strip along the inside edge of the door frame. You can use foam tape, adhesive-backed foam, or silicone sealant.

5. Ensure there are no gaps between the weatherstripping and the frame. If there are, simply repeat the process until the gap is eliminated.

Method 3. Installing a Rubber Seal:

A properly installed rubber seal will also help to insulate the door, keeping the bathroom warmer. It can help to reduce noise levels, making it ideal for use in a shared bathroom. By keeping the door closed, this glass enclosure helps to maintain privacy and can also help to prevent accidents.


1. Measure the width of the door and add an extra 3 inches to the measurement. Cut the length of the rubber seal using a sharp knife.

2. Affix the rubber seal to the bottom of the door using adhesive tape. Inspect that the seal is securely attached and that there are no gaps.

3. Close the door and check that the seal is contacting the floor or threshold all along its length. If necessary, adjust the position of the seal until it is correctly positioned.

4. Test the door by opening and closing it several times. The door should close smoothly and without incident. If you encounter any problems, make adjustments to the seal as necessary.

Method 4. Placing a Weight on the inside of the Door:

shower glass

A sliding glass shower door can be kept closed by adding weight to the inside of the door. It will provide extra resistance to the wind, keeping the door from blowing open. The weight prevents closing custom glass shower doors from rattling. A sliding shower door will remain closed by adding a heavy object to the inside.


1. Locate the spot on the door where you want to place the weight. This should be somewhere near the bottom of the door.

2. Clean the area with a glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. This will help the weight adhere better.

3. Place a weight on the inside top of the door if you can’t put one on the floor. You may need to place weights on both sides if the gate is long. Use strong tape and press it firmly into place to secure the weights in place.

4. Add additional weights if necessary until the door stays closed on its own. Close the door and make sure that it stays closed.

Method 5. Using Velcro and Tension Rod:

Velcro is very easy to use, and it will keep the door shut tight so that no water can get through. It is very strong and will not come undone easily, meaning that you won’t have to worry about the door coming open while you’re in the shower. It is also very affordable and easy to find, making it an excellent option for keeping your shower door closed on a budget.


1. Position the heavy-duty Velcro strip on the door frame. The fuzzy side of the Velcro should be sticking up.

2. Stick the door to the frame using the strips. Center the door so it’s evenly balanced on both sides.

3. Apply pressure to the door, so the Velcro adheres to both surfaces. Hang a heavy, decorative shower curtain over the door to add privacy and style.

4. Use the second layer of Velcro for extra strength, if needed. Line up the strips with the original ones and adhere them in place.

5. Measure the width of your shower opening and select a tension rod that is slightly longer. Install the tension rod, so it is level with the top of your shower opening. Use screws to secure the tension rod in place.

6. Check that the door is secure by trying to open it from both the inside and outside of the shower. Adjust velcro strips or add more strips until the door is snugly shut.

Method 6. Installing a Magnet:

By installing a magnet along the inside of the doorframe, the door will be pulled shut every time it is opened. This will keep water from spilling out onto the floor and help keep the bathroom more private.

There are a few things you need to install a magnet: a drill, a screwdriver, screws, wall plugs, a level, and the magnet itself.


1. You will need to measure the doorframe and mark where you need to drill the holes for the screws.

2. Using the drill, make pilot holes at the marks. Once the pilot holes are made, insert the wall plugs into the holes. Then, using the screwdriver and screws, attach the magnet to the doorframe.

3. Repeat Step 2 with the other side of the magnet, ensuring that the magnets are aligned to attract each other when the door is closed. Use the level to ensure that the magnet is level before you close the door.

4. Test the magnets by closing the door and ensuring it stays in place. You may need to adjust the positioning of the magnets until they are strong enough to keep the door closed.

Method 7. Using a Hook or Latch:

If you’re searching for a quick and easy way to shut the sliding glass door, a hook or latch is the way to go. These glass enclosures are available in various styles and can be easily installed on most glass doors. They only provide a temporary solution.


1. Choose a hook that is compatible with your shower door. There are many different types of hooks available, so it’s important to select one that will work with your particular door.

2. Attach this shower enclosure to the inside of the doorframe, ensuring that the metal portion is facing out. Line up the metal portion with the hole in the door, and then push it through until it snaps into place. 

3. To close the door, simply engage either the latch or hook by pushing it down. For extra security, you can add a second hook or latch near the top of the door.

With these methods, you can be sure that your sliding glass shower door will stay closed, no matter what. Whether you’re looking for a temporary or permanent solution, there’s a method on this list that will work for you.

Sliding Glass Shower Door Maintenance Tips

These glass enclosures

Maintaining your sliding glass shower doors does not have to be a difficult task. In fact, with just a little bit of regular care, you can keep your doors looking like new for many years to come.

1. Clean the Tracks Regularly:

Over time, soap scum, mildew, and other debris can build up in the tracks, causing the doors to stick or forcing them to slide less smoothly. To clean the tracks, simply remove any loose dirt and grime with a brush or vacuum cleaner attachment. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe away any remaining residue.

If the tracks are particularly dirty, you may need to use a small amount of mild soap and water. Once the tracks are clean, dry them thoroughly before replacing the shower doors. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as these can damage the finish on the door.

In addition to cleaning the tracks, it is also important to keep them well-lubricated. This will help to reduce friction and prevent the doors from sticking. Use a silicon-based lubricant on the tracks and wipe away any excess with a dry cloth.

2. Install a Shower Curtain:

One of the best ways to keep your shower door clean is to install a shower curtain. If soap scum or dirt gets on the door, you can easily wipe it off. You can use it to protect your door from scratches and stains.

Once a week, you should also take the time to check the shower curtain for any mold or mildew. If you notice any buildup, clean it away with a mild soap and water solution.

3. Hang a Towel Bar and Use a Non Slip Bath Mat:

To avoid touching the shower door with wet hands, put a towel bar or robe hook near the shower. You can use this method to keep the door clean and free of smudges. Be sure to wipe down the door after each use to remove any stains or mineral deposits.

Slippery floors can make showers dangerous, particularly for seniors or young children. One way to help reduce the risk of slips and falls is to place a non slip bath mat on the shower floor. A bath mat with suction cups can help keep it in place and provide a measure of cushioning in case someone does slip.


Q: Do sliding shower doors leak?

semi frameless shower door

While it is true that sliding shower doors can leak, it is usually only a problem in two specific areas: gaps around the door opening, which can be addressed by using silicone sealant.

Another potential source of leaks is the metal track that holds the glass panel in place. Over time, this track can corrode, allowing water to seep through. This problem can be easily avoided by regularly cleaning and lubricating the track.

Q: How do I stop my walk in shower from escaping?

One way to prevent this is by installing splash guards. Splash guards are panels that fit around the edges of the shower, preventing water from escaping. They are typically made of glass or clear plastic. Another option is to install a shower door. Shower doors create a barrier between the shower and the rest of the bathroom, keeping the water contained and making it less likely to splash out.

Q: Why is my frameless shower door leaking?

If the frameless shower doors are not installed properly, it can cause water to leak out onto the floor. The door sweep must be installed so that it makes contact with the threshold to create a seal. The door sweep is a rubber or plastic seal that helps to create a watertight seal between the bottom of the door and the threshold. 

Q: How can I make my shower door magnet stronger?

If your shower door is starting to sag or the magnet isn’t holding as well as it used to, here are some things you can do to make it stronger. Try cleaning the magnet with a cloth dampened with vinegar.

If that doesn’t work, you can try sanding down the surface of the magnet with a fine-grit sandpaper. You may need to replace the magnet if you’re still having problems.


Now you know the different methods to keep a sliding glass shower door closed. You can use one or more of these methods to prevent water from escaping your shower and making a mess in your bathroom.

While there are many ways to keep a sliding door closed, the most effective method is to adjust the rollers and tighten the screws. This will help to create a snug fit and prevent the door from moving. 

Always clean, check the door’s alignment, and adjust the tension that ensures your shower door stays closed and doesn’t cause any problems. Taking a little time and effort, you can keep your shower door in good condition and avoid costly repairs.

How to Keep a Sliding Glass Shower Door Closed : 7 Methods

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