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How to Remove Plastic From Metal Door : 3 DIY Methods

How To Remove Plastic From Metal Door

Last Updated on November 12, 2022

You’re probably familiar with the frustration of trying to remove a sticker or label from a metal surface. The adhesive seems to grip the metal tightly and refuse to let go.

It can be even more frustrating when you need to remove the plastic coating from a metal door. This protective layer is often difficult to get off, and if you damage the door in the process, you’re out of luck.

We have the perfect solution for you. With a little bit of know-how, this common problem doesn’t have to be a headache. In this article, we’ll teach you how to remove plastic from the metal door without damaging either surface.

By following these simple steps, you can avoid costly repairs and enjoy hanging up your decorations with ease.

How to Remove Plastic from Metal Door : Easy Methods

Methods of How to Remove Plastic from Metal Door

The process of removing plastic from metal doors is not as difficult as it may seem. You can easily accomplish the task if you have patience and the right tools.

There are a few different methods you can use to remove plastic from metal doors, and the best one for you will depend on what kind of plastic it is.

Deal With the PET First

If the plastic is PET, the best way to remove it is with heat. Grab a hairdryer and turn it on to the highest setting. Hold the hairdryer close to the plastic and wait for it to start melting.

Once the plastic has melted, employing a putty knife or scraping tool to remove it from the surface. If you’re dealing with a smaller piece of plastic, you may be able to remove it with your fingernails.

As a backup, if the hairdryer doesn’t work, you can also try using a heat gun. Turn the heat gun up to its highest setting and hold it close to the edge of the plastic.

Don’t touch the door with the heat gun, as this could damage it. After a few minutes, the plastic should soften and you can peel it away. With either method, you may need some type of sharp object to help pry the plastic off the door.

Deal with the HDPE Next

When it comes to HDPE, you can also use heat to remove it. However, HDPE melts at a lower temperature than PET, so be mindful not to overheat it. Alternatively, you can use a product like Goo Gone or WD-40.

Start by applying a small amount of the product to the area and then wiping it away with a clean cloth. Repeat this process until the plastic has been removed.

It is also possible to use a putty knife or razor blade to scrape away the plastic. Ensure that you do not damage the underlying metal. Apply either of these products to a rag and rub it onto the plastic. Several minutes later, it should be easy to peel the plastic right off. 

Deal with the PVC Last

In the case of PVC, you’ll need to use a different method to remove it. Unfortunately, heat will only make PVC more difficult to remove.

Instead, begin by applying a generous amount of lubricant to the area where the PVC meets the metal. This will help to loosen the bond between the two materials.

Once the lubricant has been applied, try to pry the PVC away from the door. It may be necessary to use a sharp object to break the seal underneath the PVC. Avoid damaging the door itself during the process.

If the prying method fails, try using a solvent such as acetone or paint thinner. Be sure to test the solvent on a small area of the door first to make sure it doesn’t damage the finish.

Apply the solvent to a cloth and rub it over the PVC until the glue starts to dissolve. You may need to apply several applications to completely remove the glue. Once all of the PVC has been removed, clean the area with soapy water to remove any residual glue or solvent.

With these steps, you should be able to get plastic off a metal door without any problem. Just be sure to take your time and take care not to damage the door.

Cautionary Notes About Using Heat or Chemicals on Your Door

While it’s tempting to speed up the method of removing plastic by heating it or using chemicals, there are a few things you should keep in mind first.

  • Avoid overheating the plastic. This can cause it to warp or melt, potentially damaging the door.
  • Work in small sections. This will help you control the heat and avoid using too much.
  • Scrape off the plastic with scissors or another tool. This will minimize the risk of damage.
  • Make sure the area is well-ventilated. Heating up plastic releases harmful fumes that you don’t want to breathe in.
  • Applying chemicals can be effective, but you have to be careful not to use too much or leave them on for too long. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging the door or causing a hazardous situation.
  • Have patience. Removing plastic can be a time-consuming process, but it’s worth it to avoid damaging your door.

By taking these precautions, you can make sure your door remains in good condition during the plastic removal process.

Identify the Type of Plastic Attached to the Metal Door

Before attempting to remove plastic from metal doors, it is important to determine the type of plastic that was used. Many people do not understand how to tell which type of plastic is attached to the door, but it is pretty simple. There are three main types of plastics: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

PET is the most common type of plastic, and it’s used in food and beverage packaging. HDPE is used in milk jugs, detergent bottles, and some plastic bags. PVC is used in pipes, cables, and toys.

To determine the kind of plastic on your door, simply look at the recycling symbol. If it has a “1” inside the triangle, it’s PET. If it has a “2” on the triangle, it’s HDPE. If it has a “3” on the inside, it’s PVC. Once you know what plastic is on your door, you can be certain that you are recycling it correctly.

Why is It Important to Remove Plastic from Metal Doors?

While it’s not always necessary to remove plastic from metal doors, there are a few reasons why you might want to do so.

One reason for removing the plastic is that it prevents rusting. Metal doors are often exposed to the elements, and over time this can cause rusting and corrosion. Rust can not only damage your door, but it can also cause it to become less efficient at insulating your home.

Another reason to remove plastic from metal doors is to improve their appearance. Plastic film can fade over time, and it can also become yellowed or cloudy. If you want your door to look its best, removing plastic film is a good idea.

Finally, You can extend the life of metal doors by removing plastic. While the plastic film can help protect against scratches and dents, over time it can become brittle and crack. Once the film cracks, moisture and dirt can get inside, causing further damage.

By removing the plastic film, you can help ensure that your door stays in good condition for years to come.

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Final Thoughts

All of the methods listed above should assist you on how to remove plastic from metal doors. If you still can’t seem to get it off, then you can always consult a professional who will be able to help you out and give you further guidance.

Getting rid of plastic on metal doors isn’t as hard as you might imagine, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed right away. Just keep trying different methods until you find one that works best for you and your particular situation. It shouldn’t take you long to complete the job politely and patiently.

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How to Remove Plastic From Metal Door : 3 DIY Methods

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